Ellipsis after Closure
Nicha Keeratiphanthawong & Tabea Nixdorff
Published by Nicha Keeratiphanthawong & Tabea Nixdorff, Arnhem, 2020, 132 pages (b/w ill.), 16 × 22 cm, English
Price: €24 (Out of stock)

Following endless digital threads of information and being in constant touch with ‘hardware,’ it is easy to forget one’s bodily presence and situatedness. Weavings, just like computer coding, are complex automated nettings. Only the point of rupture—a dropped stitch, like a bug in the code, a systemic error—redirects the attention outside of the machine by requesting a manual intervention.

To experience a gesture of repair and an analogue form of ‘networking,’ as a literal and tactile activity, we initiated two hole mending meditations conducted online, with participants at home, to relax the senses while focusing on fixing holes in garments and touching soft textiles. To feel the impact each detail has on a structure as a whole: disruptions in the weave of a garment cause holes to grow. By tracing the dropped stitches and patching up obvious ‘bugs,’ we remediate and re-activate unappreciated clothes without erasing traces of our bodies inhabiting them.

#2020 #nichakeeratiphanthawong #tabeanixdorff #werkplaatstypografie
Fehler lesen. Korrektur als Textproduktion
Tabea Nixdorff
Published by Spector Books, Leipzig, 2019, 80 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm, German
Price: €18

Fehler lesen. Korrektur als Textproduktion is an essay on textual errors and a personal quest to find them. Misprints demonstrate the vulnerability of a text. Here we catch a glimpse of the pre- and post-production phases, work that is to a large extent invisible. Thus, the juxtapositions of words that are printed and those that are intended (errata) reveal far more than a simple genealogy of wrong vs. right: they document vestiges of the work done in the shadows, the wrestling with language. Displacements, reconstructions, and lacunae become visible. In her essay Tabea Nixdorff tracks the social, linguistic, media, and poetic dimensions produced by correction and textual criticism. Who does the correcting and what traces does this mostly invisible work leave behind? What shifts in meaning do mistakes trigger? To what extent does the medium play a part in authoring the text.

#2019 #spectorbooks #tabeanixdorff